Monday 1 April 2024

Refreshing Delight: Dahi Ice Cream Recipe for a Cool Summer Treat

As the mercury rises and the sun beats down, there's nothing quite like a refreshing scoop of homemade Dahi Ice Cream to beat the heat. This delightful dessert combines the goodness of yogurt with the creamy texture of ice cream, making it a perfect treat for hot summer days. In this article, we'll dive into a simple yet delicious Dahi Ice Cream recipe that you can easily recreate at home.

Ingredients for Dahi Ice Cream Recipe:

Let's start by gathering all the ingredients you'll need to whip up this delectable Dahi Ice Cream:

- 2 cups of fresh yogurt (preferably Greek yogurt for a thicker consistency)

- 1 cup of heavy cream

- 1/2 cup of condensed milk

- 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract

- 1/4 cup of chopped nuts (such as almonds or pistachios) for garnish

- 1/4 cup of honey or sugar (adjust according to your sweetness preference)

- Pinch of cardamom powder for added flavour

Preparation Steps:

1. Begin by whisking the fresh yogurt in a large mixing bowl until it becomes smooth and creamy. This step is crucial as it ensures a silky texture for your Dahi Ice Cream.

2. In a separate bowl, whip the heavy cream until stiff peaks form. This will add a light and airy texture to your ice cream.

3. Gradually add the condensed milk to the whipped cream and continue to beat until well combined. The condensed milk not only adds sweetness but also contributes to the creaminess of the ice cream.

4. Gently fold the whipped cream mixture into the smooth yogurt, ensuring that they are evenly incorporated.

5. Add the vanilla extract and a pinch of cardamom powder to enhance the flavour profile of your Dahi Ice Cream. Mix well to distribute the flavours evenly.

6. If you prefer a sweeter ice cream, you can add honey or sugar at this stage, adjusting the amount to suit your taste buds.

7. Transfer the mixture into a freezer-safe container and cover it with a lid or cling film to prevent ice crystals from forming. Place it in the freezer for at least 6 hours or until it is firm.

Serving and Garnishing:

Once your Dahi Ice Cream has set, it's time to indulge in this creamy delight. Scoop out the ice cream into serving bowls or cones, garnish with chopped nuts of your choice (such as almonds or pistachios), and drizzle some honey or syrup for an extra touch of sweetness. You can also sprinkle a dash of cardamom powder on top for a burst of flavour.

Variations and Tips:

- For a fruity twist, you can add chopped fruits like mangoes or strawberries to the ice cream mixture before freezing. This adds a refreshing and vibrant touch to the dessert.

- Experiment with different nuts and flavourings to create unique variations of Dahi Ice Cream. For example, you can use crushed saffron strands for a luxurious touch or incorporate cocoa powder for a chocolatey flavour.

- Ensure that your freezer is set to the coldest temperature to achieve the perfect consistency for your ice cream.

- If you're short on time, you can use an ice cream maker to churn the mixture quickly and achieve a smoother texture.

Benefits of Dahi Ice Cream:

Apart from being a delicious summer treat, Dahi Ice Cream also offers several health benefits. As it is made with fresh yogurt, it is rich in probiotics that promote gut health and digestion. The addition of nuts adds a dose of healthy fats and proteins, making it a wholesome dessert option. Moreover, by using natural sweeteners like honey, you can enjoy a guilt-free indulgence without compromising on taste.


In conclusion, this Dahi Ice Cream recipe is a perfect blend of creamy, tangy, and sweet flavours that will tantalize your taste buds and keep you cool during the scorching summer months. Whether enjoyed solo or with loved ones, this homemade treat is sure to become a favourite. So why wait? Gather your ingredients and whip up a batch of refreshing Dahi Ice Cream today!

By incorporating keywords like "Dahi Ice Cream recipe" naturally throughout the blog post, we ensure that it remains SEO-friendly while providing valuable content to readers looking to recreate this delightful dessert at home.

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